A series of 9 animated shorts based on the Frank comics by Jim Woodring, featuring computer/CGI, traditional cel, stop-motion, and even sand painting techniques. Contributing animators and musicians include COCOA, Eri Yoshimura, Naomi Nagata, TAMAPRO/DROP, Taruto Fuyama, Masaki Maito, Kanako Kawagushi, Masaya Sakaue, Bill Frisell, Dame Darcy, and Woodring himself.
Other name: Visions Of Frank, Visions Of Frank: Short Films By Japan's Most Audacious Animators
Date aired: Nov 25, 2005
A series of 9 animated shorts based on the Frank comics by Jim Woodring, featuring computer/CGI, traditional cel, stop-motion, and even sand painting techniques. Contributing animators and musicians include COCOA, Eri Yoshimura, Naomi Nagata, TAMAPRO/DROP, Taruto Fuyama, Masaki Maito, Kanako Kawagushi, Masaya Sakaue, Bill Frisell, Dame Darcy, and Woodring himself.
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