In a crime-ridden future Japan, Kyouhei Tachibana is a peaceful student at a culinary school, dreaming of going to France for advanced study as a pâtissier (pastry chef). To afford the trip, he accepts a part-time job as private cook to a strange group of women: Sei, Meg, Jo, and Amy. To Kyouhei's astonishment, they turn out to be a band of violent mercenaries, and he finds himself in the line of fire.
Other name: Burst Angel, 爆裂天使
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Dub, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Shounen
Date aired: May 6, 2004 to Sep 14, 2004
In a crime-ridden future Japan, Kyouhei Tachibana is a peaceful student at a culinary school, dreaming of going to France for advanced study as a pâtissier (pastry chef). To afford the trip, he accepts a part-time job as private cook to a strange group of women: Sei, Meg, Jo, and Amy. To Kyouhei's astonishment, they turn out to be a band of violent mercenaries, and he finds himself in the line of fire.
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