In the aftermath of a devastating world war, Deunan Knute and Briareos are scraping by a living as mercenaries in a ruined New York City. Deunan dreams of finding the technological utopia known as Olympus, though Briareos isn't so sure it exists. They soon cross paths with a mysterious girl and her cyborg bodyguard who claim to be on an important mission for Olympus and that they are fleeing a team of highly advanced cyborg mercenaries who will stop at nothing to ensure that they fail.
Other name: Project Alpha, アップルシード アルファ
Genres: Action, Adventure, Dub, Mecha, Military, OVA, Police, Sci-Fi
Date aired: Jan 17, 2015
In the aftermath of a devastating world war, Deunan Knute and Briareos are scraping by a living as mercenaries in a ruined New York City. Deunan dreams of finding the technological utopia known as Olympus, though Briareos isn't so sure it exists. They soon cross paths with a mysterious girl and her cyborg bodyguard who claim to be on an important mission for Olympus and that they are fleeing a team of highly advanced cyborg mercenaries who will stop at nothing to ensure that they fail.
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